Nan Tien Temple @Wollongong, Australia

When I was young, I noticed my mother will try to pray at temples whenever we go travelling. Especially when we are at a new place and there's a temple nearby. With this in mind, going to pray at Nan Tien temple is one of my top priority when I was in Sydney two months ago. 

 Nan Tien Temple is a Buddhist temple situated in Berkeley, about 10 mins from the famous Wollongong beaches and 80 Km to the south of Sydney. According to Wikipedia, Nan Tien is Chinese for "Southern Heaven Temple", and it is also the largest Buddhist temple in the Southern Hemisphere. 

Nan Tien Temple is one of the branch temples of the Taiwanese Fo Guang Shan Buddhist order. It is not just a tourist attraction, but consist of various such as top class conference and auditorium facilities, base for healthy lifestyle classes and retreats, vegetarian meals, accommodation and others. There is a Nan Tien Institute in its premise providing different fields of study from Buddhism, English to post-graduate courses to all from local to international students.

Nan Tien Temple is a huge complex, and we have to walk quite a distance uphill to sound the Nan Tien Gratitude Bell.
Do not miss this bit of hiking up hill as we can send our parents good wishes and acknowledge the gratitude to our parents by sounding the bell.

The serenity and tranquility surroundings of Nan Tien temple complex. 

Address: 180, Berkeley Road, Berkeley, NSW 2506, Australia
Telephone: +612 42720600

May the world enjoy peace and harmony
May all beings be well and happy

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