Cambridge and River Cam tour, UK, my photos and video

Cambridge, yes! I am going to Cambridge! I tot it is a big university just like Harvard or MIT in Massachusetts, US. I am very happy to be able to visit Cambridge after flying over 10.5K Kilometers from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. But to my surprise, Cambridge is a city! A beautiful city full of lovely ancient Gothic buildings and prestigious university colleges.

University of Cambridge comprises of a group of university colleges such as King's College, Trinity college, Queen's College, St. John's College, Clare College, Pembroke College, Jesus College, Selwyn College and check out the whole list here.

I took the Expat Explore Tour UK package and my first stop is Cambridge city. Cambridge is a city on the River Cam about 80 KM north of London. University of Cambridge dated back to 1209 and home to 32 famous Nobel prize laureates such as Lord Rayleigh (1904), Sir J.J. Thompson (1906), Ernest Rutherford (1908) and others. (source and for more details: Trinity College Cambridge.) 

The late Professor Stephen Hawkings (1942-2018) went to Cambridge in 1962 as a PhD student and rose to become the Lucasian Professor of Mathematics, a position once held by Isaac Newton. (source: University of Cambridge) Being a person with vast interest in Physics, thus, I was thrilled to be able to see and visit University Cambridge.  

Punting on the River Cam
A definite must do you are in Cambridge is to take the river ride or "go punting". A 'punt' is a flat bottom boat propelled by long poles.  

Punting on the River Cam

Getting into the punt

Sitting in a punt on River Cam, we can see the 'backs' of the colleges, vast peaceful fields and a flourishing rich cultural scene.

 Earlier episodes of Harry Potter shows was filmed here.

The Mathematical Bridge

The Mathematical Bridge is the popular name of a wooden footbridge in the southwest of central Cambridge, United Kingdom. It bridges the River Cam about one hundred feet northwest of Silver Street Bridge and was built in 1749

The Bridge of Sighs

The Bridge of Sighs is a covered bridge at St John's College, Cambridge University. It was built in 1831 and crosses the River Cam between the college's Third Court and New Court. The architect was Henry Hutchinson. It is so called because of the sighs made by students while walking across the bridge. 

Here's a video of Cambridge and Punting on the River Cam

It was a memorable tour, with good company (Expat Explore Tour), fantastic tour guide, Mike, an excellent bus driver Martin who is always making sure the bus is clean, (especially the wheels!) and all the friendly easy going tour members in this 7 days Great Britain tour. More blog post of other destinations coming soon.

Google Map of Cambridge City, UK.

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